Expert tip for Scorpio's verbal advantage

Relationships are often made or broken by one's conversational style. It's not just what you say, but how you say it. In conversing, you Scorpios have great power to heal people and situations; so use it wisely. 

    2020 to 20201 MONTHLY  HOROSCOPE     












Deep and intense, you like your words to carry weight, to guide, change or advise others. But when it's blunt, direct advising fails. 

Be indirect, and avoid heavy-handed manipulation that can make you seem threatening. The most effective talk tools for transforming others in positive ways to include the following. Conversational allowing consists of taking longer than usual pauses to provide the space for another to offer his or her input. 

Reflection is the process of repeating back a condensed version of what another has said to confirm that you've understood. Interpretation is when you offer your insights into the topic being discussed. Combine these techniques with your uncanny Scorpio intuition and you can be more helpful than most. 


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